Comparison of Accounts for Individuals

Looking to open a savings account but not sure which one is right for you?

Our comparison table helps you see the features of our accounts at a glance to find one that suits your needs.


Interest rate

Minimum balance

Withdrawal notice period

Good to know

1.10% Gross/AER


32 days

You'll receive interest at a slightly lower rate than similar notice accounts, enabling us to provide more support to churches across the UK.

Young Gospel Partner Account

1.20% Gross/AER


32 days

These accounts are opened in the name of a parent, grandparent or guardian on behalf of a child.

32-Day Notice Cash ISA

2.30% Gross/AER


32 days

You must be 18 or over, resident in the UK for tax purposes and have a National Insurance number to open an ISA.

One Year Fixed-Rate Cash ISA

2.00% Gross/AER


12 months (fixed-term ISA)

You must be 18 or over, resident in the UK for tax purposes and have a National Insurance number to open an ISA.

Two Year Fixed-Rate Cash ISA

2.10% Gross/AER


24 months (fixed-term ISA)

You must be 18 or over, resident in the UK for tax purposes and have a National Insurance number to open an ISA.

Easy Access Account

0.60% Gross/AER



Maximum of two withdrawals per calendar month.

90-Day Notice Deposit Account

2.95% Gross/AER


90 days

All withdrawals are subject to 90 days' notice.

120-Day Notice Deposit Account

3.45% Gross/AER


120 days

All withdrawals are subject to 120 days' notice.

Individual Savings Bonds

1.95-2.95% Gross/AER

£2,000 (Max. £2,500,000)

6, 12, 24 or 36 months (fixed-term bonds)

*See table below


Personal Gospel Partner Account

Interest rate

1.10% Gross/AER

Minimum balance


Withdrawal notice period

32 days

Good to know

You'll receive interest at a slightly lower rate than similar notice accounts, enabling us to provide more support to churches across the UK.


Young Gospel Partner Account

Interest rate

1.20% Gross/AER

Minimum balance


Withdrawal notice period

32 days

Good to know

These accounts are opened in the name of a parent, grandparent or guardian on behalf of a child.


32-Day Notice Cash ISA

Interest rate

2.30% Gross/AER

Minimum balance


Withdrawal notice period

32 days

Good to know

You must be 18 or over, resident in the UK for tax purposes and have a National Insurance number to open an ISA.


One Year Fixed-Rate Cash ISA

Interest rate

2.00% Gross/AER

Minimum balance


Withdrawal notice period

12 months (fixed-term ISA)

Good to know

You must be 18 or over, resident in the UK for tax purposes and have a National Insurance number to open an ISA.


Two Year Fixed-Rate Cash ISA

Interest rate

2.10% Gross/AER

Minimum balance


Withdrawal notice period

24 months (fixed-term ISA)

Good to know

You must be 18 or over, resident in the UK for tax purposes and have a National Insurance number to open an ISA.


Easy Access Account

Interest rate

0.60% Gross/AER

Minimum balance


Withdrawal notice period


Good to know

Maximum of two withdrawals per calendar month.


90-Day Notice Deposit Account

Interest rate

2.95% Gross/AER

Minimum balance


Withdrawal notice period

90 days

Good to know

All withdrawals are subject to 90 days' notice.


120-Day Notice Deposit Account

Interest rate

3.45% Gross/AER

Minimum balance


Withdrawal notice period

120 days

Good to know

All withdrawals are subject to 120 days' notice.


Individual Savings Bonds

Interest rate

1.95-2.95% Gross/AER

Minimum balance

£2,000 (Max. £2,500,000)

Withdrawal notice period

6, 12, 24 or 36 months (fixed-term bonds)

Good to know

*See table below

*Individual Savings Bonds – Good to know

Bond duration Interest (Gross/AER) on deposits under £50,000 Interest (Gross/AER) on deposits over £50,000
6 months 2.90%  2.95% 
12 months 2.45%  2.50%
24 months 1.95%  2.00% 
36 months 1.95%  2.00% 
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