Good news stories

Find out how we’re helping churches and charities across the UK as they spread the good news of Jesus.

Good news stories

Find out how we’re helping churches and charities across the UK as they spread the good news of Jesus.

Vineyard Church Cardiff

We spoke to Matt Meads from Vineyard Church Cardiff about their journey as a church, and how a
Kingdom Bank mortgage has helped them purchase a key building in their city.

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Christ Church Southampton

We’re particularly delighted to tell this story, as it demonstrates how our in-depth understanding of a church’s needs was able to deliver mortgage completion within seven weeks. We spoke with pastor Orlando Saer to find out more.

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helped you to plant,
build or grow?

We would love to share the story of your church, charity or organisation, and how Kingdom Bank has partnered with you.

Share your story

Has Kingdom Bank helped you to plant, build or grow?

We would love to share the story of your church, charity or organisation, and how Kingdom Bank has partnered with you.