Good news stories
Find out how we’re helping churches and charities across the UK as they spread the good news of Jesus.
Good news stories
Find out how we’re helping churches and charities across the UK as they spread the good news of Jesus.

Partnering for Purpose: Woodstock Road Baptist Church chooses Kingdom Bank
We spoke with Ben, Pastor of Woodstock Road Baptist Church, about the house they have just purchased as a church for their new Pastor.

Hope Church Shaw
We spoke with Dave, Pastor of Hope Church Shaw, about their church building, ongoing ministry, and plans for outreach.

David and Kristin Johnson, Aberdeen
We spoke with Kristin Johnson about how a Kingdom Bank mortgage has helped her and her husband to purchase their own home in Aberdeen, as they try to reach their community with the hope of the gospel.

The Fraser Family, Derby
Buying a property can be difficult when your primary earnings are from the church or as a missionary. We spoke to Fiona Fraser, about how her family were able to buy a home with the help of a Kingdom Bank mortgage.
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Has Kingdom Bank helped you to plant, build or grow?
We would love to share the story of your church, charity or organisation, and how Kingdom Bank has partnered with you.