Does your bank share your heart for the gospel?

At Kingdom Bank we do!

As our lending to churches and ministers goes from strength to strength, Kingdom Bank has launched an advertising campaign with Premier Christian Radio to reach more people across the UK with the vision of using their savings for the gospel. The Bank is looking to grow awareness of the opportunity for financial gospel partnership: Christians giving their money a mission, supporting gospel ministries that reach more people with the good news of Jesus. By saving with Kingdom Bank, you can see your money do more for God’s kingdom – without giving it away!

As a Bank, our core activity is to provide UK evangelical ministries with mortgages which fund the purchase and improvement of property: places to meet and houses for ministers. To enable this, Christians and churches hold money with us, which we then lend in a responsible, balanced way. 

Over the past two years, since we were acquired by a group of gospel-minded investors, we have had the privilege of approving approximately £30m of mortgages supporting over 100 church property projects, including church buildings, houses for ministry staff, and social action projects. You can read more about some of these stories here.

It is a great joy to be meeting this need, and we have a daily flow of new enquiries. It is our prayer that Christians and churches across the UK will see the joy of being gospel partners who save with us, using their finances to help churches grow. This type of partnership is in line with what 2 Corinthians 9 teaches,

“Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

2 Corinthians 9: 6-7 (NIV)

Though many Christians will think intentionally about their giving, most Christians “bury” their money in a high street bank, not realising that their savings could be actively working for so much more. With Kingdom Bank you can steward your savings and watch it bear gospel fruit in Christian projects across the UK.

Would you consider opening an account with us?  To find out more, visit Premier – Kingdom Bank

If you’d like to listen to our radio advert click here, or to open a savings account, click here.

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