In this blog post, Nicholas Morris of Clarity Wealth Management considers five different types of fundraising methods and shares some guidance on the advantages and potential pitfalls of each.
For personal mortgages our maximum mortgage is 4.5x your gross annual income subject to affordability. Buy-to-lets are assessed on the rent achieved from the property.
The ratio between the sum of money lent on a mortgage agreement and the value of the security property as confirmed by the Bank.
The ratio between the sum of money lent on a mortgage agreement and the value of the share of the security property owned by the customer, as confirmed by the Bank.
‘APRC’ stands for ‘Annual Percentage Rate of Charge’. Mortgage Lenders now have to include any mortgage related fees, redemption charges and valuation fees as part of the annual interest calculation when quoting an interest rate and this is referred to as the APRC.
A comprehensive assessment of income and expenditure both currently and in the foreseeable future.
The ratio between the sum of money lent on a mortgage agreement and the value of the security property as confirmed by the Bank.